Friday, January 23, 2009

Of Charity and Lies

The excuse to have ones feet on ground,
a mute unresponsive slave of gravity,
a limitless world is where i am bound,
a world sans sugar-coated realities.

What is life so full of care,
you feign fulfillment in charity and love,
yet question this cancer, we don't dare,
all to please the accountant above.

If fittest survive paying strength the prize,
then why cultivate these parasites,
'charity is divine' and other big lies,
the reason they have to rob my rights.

If life is but a perennial fight,
to let body and soul together stat,
charity saves none from their plight,
but shows them miraged hope rays.

I don't lavish rewards to undeserving,
with promises of a non-existent life,
selfishness is self-obliging,
the commitment you ultimately have.

Long have we heard the story of a man,
who comforted a robbed out traveler in pain,
a very twisted story, good Samaritan,
true men stays in their life's narrow lane.


One Bizarre Scribe said...

"What is life so full of care,"..huh? :) Nice..
But the poem rings familiar, very familiar. Almost makes me wish I had penned it. Now whether that's a compliment or insult, you decide.. But keep writing..

susan harris said...

So better than cleaning the mess!

mute unresponsive slave of gravity is a great phrase, we should use it more often :)

third stanza is undoubtedly the best, and it's just that I have ideological differences over involving something so biblical in the last :D

aoxisms said...

much better than the free bird stuff!

will get better,suggest readin Milton!